South East London's favourite annual pantomime

In 2012 we presented our first pantomime Cinderella to a supportive and hugely generous audience at St Augustine's. The idea had come about (as many slightly over ambitious ideas so often do) after a few drinks in the pub, five seasoned panto performers coming together to discuss how we could raise money for the church. From the moment we decided to go ahead something rather magical happened. People kept appearing with everything we needed to turn our dreams into reality. Pirate Productions was born, Cinderella was a resounding success and in just three performances we raised over £5,000.00 all of it going back to the church to patch up the cracks.

Nine Panto's in and we have raised over £60,000 to date. We are proud to say that every penny raised in ticket sales and donations has gone direct to charity. All the actors, musicians and crew give their time entirely for free. All expenses are covered by cake sales and Bring & Buy sales we hold throughout the year.

Rest assured EVERY PENNY of the ticket price goes to charity (split between the church and a selection of local charities).